report a gas leak or other emergency call 800-767-1689.
(This is a 24-hour service.)
Si necesita ayuda en Espanol, llame Questar Gas: 800-767-1689.
By Email
Please use our online feedback
(Note: The customer service Internet mailbox is not monitored 24 hours
a day. Please do not use this mailbox to report emergency situations).
By Telephone
The easiest way to reach us is by calling 801-324-5111 or toll-free 800-323-5517. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
By Mail
If you prefer to write, be sure to include your account number and
detailed information about your question or concern. Please address
your correspondence to:
Questar Gas Customer Service
P.O. Box 45360
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0360